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Chen, Tseng-Ti Runs a School Innovatively to Cultivate Military Vocational Talents (September 14, 2015)

(Interviewed by Reporter Lin, Ching-Chieh from Military News Agency)
    “Knowledge and information is available at hand. Users shall have the opportunity to take good advantage of educational technology to explore and learn knowledge and information”, said Major-general Chen, Tseng-Ti, the president of Air Force Institute of Technology. To respond to the global trend and progress of educational technology, Chen, Tseng-Ti, since taking over the office, has gradually improved the learning environment and asked instructors to provide more in-depth learning activities during the class via online platform, where the information sharing system is set up to allow students to obtain knowledge of skills at any time and create the atmosphere of active learning.
    Chen, Tseng-Ti indicated that the successful introduction of flipped education has allowed Air Force Institute of Technology to successfully promote the transformation of vocational education and also let students be transferred from passive listeners to active learners. Students’ passion for learning has been lit up again, and interaction between teachers and students has also become more frequent. Thus, Air Force Institute of Technology currently acts as a guide to cultivate military talents for aviation technology through actively building online learning channels, providing diverse information on vocational education, and satisfying students’ needs for learning. Chen, Tseng-Ti indicated that learning shall be active and effects shall be evaluated. To accurately manage students’ progress of learning and understanding, teachers shall prepare courses thoroughly and interact with students during the class via asking questions and group discussion, so as to achieve the purpose of learning through teaching and consistency between learning and application. 
    To fulfill the requirement of “application-based training”, Chen, Tseng-Ti strictly asked 2-year junior and senior college students to obtain “one certificate and one license” before graduation. The school helped students participate in the training for national professional engineer license and raised the passing rate to 78.4%. Chen, Tseng-Ti further indicated that since 2014, the School has set up 41 courses at Class C License Department for 14 industrial categories, including aircraft maintenance, interior wiring, and industrial electronics, in accordance with the voluntary military service, and reached the passing rate of 96.6%. This year, the School even cultivated the first national champion in the category of aircraft maintenance, who represented Taiwan to participate in the international skill competition in Brazil and won Excellent Award.